Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas time with Dialog.....

"So this is Christmas"... We just love saying that but the rest must leave Dialog wondering "And what have you (Dialog) done, Another year over". Let's see failure to implement MPEG4, New channels (replacements are not taken into account), properly working new features, blah blah blah just gives the impression that nothing has been done and it's already another year over unless Santa has something in his workshop for Dialog subscribers because frankly Dialog has nothing to give them.

This year saw some replacements as the year before and the one before that namely the introduction of Setanta & now recently Colors in place of Ten Action & UTV Movies plus the Sun channels in place of the Zee channels. Replacements are always controversial and have caused their share of problems and sour feelings among Dialog & it's subscribers. I think we are reminded of the removal of Zee TV & it's subsequent reintroduction in just a few months after pressure from subscribers.

So with just under a month left in this month, let's see if Dialog can pull off something magical and surprise us all during this festive month in terms of major improvements to Dialog TV. 

We are hoping to carry out a review of Dialog TV for the year 2011 in a couple of weeks time close to the end of the year and hopefully things will look better than they look at the moment.

Keep us updated on the latest on Dialog TV as the days progress.


Tharindu Hasanka said...

magical movement from dialog..its dream....bullshit

Anonymous said...

add colors indian channel plzzz

TV & Radio Sri Lanka said...

Please continue commenting under the latest post titled "Please update your channel list & website".
