Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Zee Studio gone, TruTV in

According to reports reaching us, Zee Studio will be taken off air and a channel called TruTV will be introduced on testing mode from today. It seems that Dialog is taking several Zee channels off air, first went Zee Trendz and now goes Zee Studio. Hopefully Zee Cafe stays and is not replaced. There are a couple of Hindi Zee Channels that could have been replaced in place of TruTV.

We are not sure if many people will miss Zee Studio too much cos it a channel that repeats many of the older films. The positive thing is that an Indian channel goes and in comes a channel with a Singapore feed which we believe is commercial free.

However the trend undertaken by Dialog TV is disturbing since they seem to targeting English channels for replacement, so it makes us wonder what the next English channel to go would be. There are channels such as CCTV News, NDTV GoodTimes that could have been targeted, if they really wanted to take out an english channel.

Well then Dialog could introduce channels such as AXN Beyond, SET English Asia or Star Family Movies at the expense of some least watched Hindi or English channels that are suggested above.

Talking about TruTV it is a channel that is along the lines of Zone Reality that was available on Dialog TV before it stopped broadcasts. TruTV was formerly known as Court TV in the US before it rebranded to TruTV.

It is owned is Time Warner which also operates Boomerang Southeast Asia and Cartoon Network Southeast Asia both of which are available on Dialog TV.


Please keep us updated on the latest about Dialog TV as the days progress.


Nokia said...

TruTV online.

And I hope that Dialog TV will NOT remove Zee TV as this is the only channel that telecast Sa Ri Ga Ma Challenge and other reality shows.

Nokia said...

And what will be the Christmas offers this time?

Will they offer buy 1 and get 1 this year too??

Anonymous said...

It seems like that dialogtv trying to find a way to increase the monthly rental. recently they only adding high value channels, and most of them are from sing feed. Foxcrime, Trutv and Eurosports.

Its is a 'Guerrilla marketing' Theory.

Now is the exact time for a better competitor.

nilu said...

it is shame that replace zstudio. that was the only english movie channel and its free for all. nisha is right this is the time for better DTH operator that can give good competition for dialog.dailog sucks.

Sss said...

Really disappointed with Dialog tv. at least they should have replaced Zee Studio with another movie channel. How can you say "We are not sure if many people will miss Zee Studio", what's the stats you have to prove it?
Totally agree with Nisha and Nilupa.

Unknown said...

Thats only one movie channel we had.

Nokia said...

UTV World movies and UTV Movies are free to all the packages it seems.

If not active for your connection call the CC and ask them to reset the account in order to unscramble the channels.

This worked for my mothers account

UTV wold movies is better than Z studio for me.

Jughead said...

If there's anybody from DTV who follows commenton this blog this is for you.

1. Please advise your staff who handle the EPG to keep themselves updated on changing channel schedules. Most of the times its TOTALLY WRONG, even for the local channels. Since the company does not send the printed PG, EPG is the only source of info for subscribers

2. please reintroduce Zstudio. ZS & Max were the only full time English movie channels available to middle level subscribers and taking it out leaves them with only 1 exclusive movie channel.

3. Please make use of the noticeboard to keep the subscribers informed of any changes to channel line up or anything of that sort. at the moment DTV use that facility only to bug the clients to payup their bills.

4. Be reasonable in allocating channels among packages. especially when it comes to English Movie channels. Would appreciate if you could be more generous towards middle level subscribers.

Thank You

DigitalTV said...


Its not true
I check with CC, they said thise UTV channels only available for Diamond & Gold packages
Not activated for all packages

Nokia said...

Don't ask whether it's enable or not. Just ask them to clear the scrambled massage on your connection. Once the reset is done it should work...

Believe me it worked for my mothers account.

Nokia said...

Refer c star's comment in 2nd December on couple of previous blogs

c star said...

utv movies free for all.
December 2, 2010 11:55 AM

Sharm said...

Dialog TV is replacing more expensive channels with cheap, probably free-to-air crap channels, to make more profits. Its as simple as that. I called CC today & was told that all Zee channels (including Zee Cafe) will be replaced. Apparently the small print in the agreement we signed with DTV gives DTV the right to replace any channels any time. Please everyone, call CC and lodge a strong protest against this rip off ASAP. BTW Admin, what evidence do you have that NDTV Good Times & Zee Studio are not popular? Is it that YOU don't watch them??

neilw said...

UTV channels not available for cbnsat package.
If another provider starts a service I will definitely change to them.
DTV is not up to the standard I require.
(both my connections)

Unknown said...

What's new channel for diamond .Utv movies also added for diamond package. Zs is onle one english movie channel in that package.

Unknown said...

Which 2 channel add for diamond package.

Anonymous said...

As you said in your comment, Dtv can replace any channel when they need,

lets imagine like this,

if Dtv decide to introduce new Channels by Asian feeds Within 2 months, they have to use exciting slots in low level packages. After 1 month testing they will add it to higher level package. So I think you all can understand this tricky bussiness. finally basic package and others will reduce the channel list.

As a Gov Registered, well reputable Satellite operating Company, Dtv should give the all the benefit to the whole customer levels.

I think Dtv have 3 options.

1. buy another transponder to add new channels.
2. get MPEG4 technology.
3. sell this company to another one who can handle it in Sri lankan (low and middle income country) manner.

Nokia said...

Dear All,

Good news to all..... As per the information received DTV is planing to add some good channels to their line up. According to the sources they will be doing the changers before the 20th December.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and wait.

Will they go for another transponder?
Shifting to MPEG4?
Replace channels?

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
i am a cbn sat customer.currently pay 1910(including vat). this is old cbn sat premium package. all these days i had ten cricket as well.today morning i called customer service & and inquired about zee studio disappearance.they gave me a lame excuse.then i asked them to take it as a complain.now when i tried to see ten cricket they have removed it from my line up. when i called to ask about it they tolda me i received ten cricket due to system error. if i want that channel i have to pay extra.This is their reaction to my complain.since i am a adsl customer i decided to cancel dialog & move into peotv.This is how they treat their loyal customer. All of you guys just think about this. this is what exactly you guyes also will get. then when i asked what i will get for zee sports(since they have removed it) the answer is ten sports. bust i had both ten sports & zee sports for me.they removed zee sports & now they removed ten cricket. i didn't get channel for zee sports. now they r asking money for it.Guys this is what installed for us from dialogtv

DigitalTV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DigitalTV said...


Probably the last option !!
LOL !!

DigitalTV said...

can somebody tell me what is the difference between Old 500 package & new Pearl Package ?

Both rentals are 700 /=
Is it worth to move to new Pearl ?
are UTV channels working for Pearl as Nokia said ??

alf said...

JESIKA RUKMAL FREEMAN RUKSHAN RANAWEERA, There are bloody importatnt problems at DTV and this Kothalawala batchcha alias LTTE mole comes up with a another silly question.

Just go and sleep in this rainy weather or watch "God TV'

nilu said...


are u promoting DTV ?. or are u loyal customer of DTV ?.

Nokia said...

@ nilupa
I don't promote DTV. I'm just giving you all information. I do criticize when there is a requirement.

Please refer my previous comments and the validity of the information that I have given.

Better than any one Admin of this blog believes in my information.

@ Rukmal
Yes true it can be the last option. and it might be a Do or Die :)

nilu said...


if so. sorry for the miss understanding.

Ten Cricket is not working....

PissedOFF said...

I too had the same prob as Yasanga !! I complained and next day dialog cut me off !!

Peotv is giving a half price offer for landline customers, so I took that offer and gave up Dialog.

However all lankan cable operators are eventually going to get screwed once the cable tax comes in, so its better to take an indian DTH for the long run.

jagath said...

@ Nokia

Thanks for gave all the information about Dialog TV, I believe ur information & ur information very true... Plz continue your blogging, we are with u dear Nokia. plz tell me what about Ten Action channel.. it is relaunch or not...

Nokia said...

@ Jagath
Thanks for the recommendation. :)


As I told you Dialog has started their seasonal offers. All in bundles. Buy1 Get1.
DTV is having 3 to 4 offers.

01. Buy1 DTV and GET1 (Prize 9990/)

02. Buy DTV for 9990/= with 3 months rental free.

03. Buy DTV for free by paying 9 months rental in advance for the Gold package

leyland said...

MGM movie channel now on air on Ch 25 in place of Tru TV.

Mario said...

MGM channel is now on in place of truTV. There is a message saying that zee studio has been replaced by MGM

TV & Radio Sri Lanka said...

Please continue commenting under the latest post titled "MGM Channel Asia ousts TruTV & replaces Zee Studio".
